Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Most Difficult Game

This Lehi Millerd team was 4-1. We made them 4-2! They were really good!!

91 was my guy. I never let him through. I got 1 sack that game.

My favorite play is the screen because I get to kill the little guys. I killed number 1 on the screen play and got a touchdown.

Check out this awesome block!! Can you see the quarterback behind me? 91 could not get through.

P.S I won M.V.P!!!!!!! This was my best game and also the most tough win.

We are now 6-0! This next game will be the most important game yet!


Amy said...


I am so very proud of you! That was an AWESOME game! Those two screen plays you made were incredible.

Keep playing hard. Your next game will be a good one. I can't wait!

Unknown said...

WAY to GO Connor!! Play Hard!! Good Job

Angela said...

I love to read about your games! aI will be thinking of you as you are playing your in California! Love you!!

Rick...the meek and mild said...

It has been fun watching you. Remember to be practicing in all parts of your life to be better...even though football is the funnest right now though